a comprehensive handbook on producing socially inclusive theatre
Erasmus+ - Key Action 2 - Strategic Partnerships in the Field of Youth
Spain, Austria and Ireland
(1/10/2018 - 30/9/2020)
"Drama for Youth Work" is an innovative Strategic Partnership project funded by A Key Action 2 Strategic Partnership Project of Erasmus+. It involves the participation On&Off Teatro from Spain, BiondekBühne from Austria and Crooked House Theatre Company from Ireland.
The Project has involved us working together for nearly over 2 years to create 45 short films. These films demonstrate how to use drama techniques with a range of groups, to produce a comprehensive handbook that describes how to integrate drama techniques with group work on socially inclusive themes.
The project aims to tailor the films and handbook to meet the needs of youth workers by arranging the material into searchable categories:
a) Working with specific target groups (e.g. Migrants, LGBTQI+)
b) Working with specific social inclusion themes (e.g. gender equality, anti- racism, xenophobia, etc.)
c) Working with specific stages of group development (e.g. Bonding Games, Development Activities, Focusing exercises, etc.)
d) Working generally in the field of social inclusion with young people (conflict resolution, developing critical thinking, exploring power, etc.)
Update January 2020:
A Drama For Youth Work Symposium took place in Maynooth University in January of this year. This Symposium was a multiplier event of the project in January 2020 to which were
invited student youth workers, and practicing youth workers from Ireland.
More on the Symposium can be read in its Blog Post, and on our 2020 Projects Page.
Update September 2020:
As Drama For Youth Work begins to come to a close, we are pleased to announce that all 45 short videos and the manual are completed and accessible on
All these materials will be available freely as an Open Educational Resource on our website
YOU CAN START FOLLOWING OUR BLOG to receive news on the project in the near future.
Follow our Spotify channel to listen to the podcast.
Here are some images taken in an early stage of the project, featuring Kildare Youth Theatre members in Logroño.

![Crooked House Logo(Black)[1].PNG](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/02dbaa_29e02036752c4beba827f3869cd2660c.png/v1/fill/w_38,h_77,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/Crooked%20House%20Logo(Black)%5B1%5D_PNG.png)