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Charlie Hughes

€500 To Write A Short Play

Kildare Youth Theatre, under Crooked House Theatre Company, is delighted to announce a new play competition with a prize of €500.

We are inviting friends aged 30 and under and resident in either Ireland or Britain to submit an idea for a play and sample dialogue for a new short play competition we are running for our youth theatre.



1. The play will be performed by two young people aged 12 to 24

2. It should last between 10 and 40 minutes

3. It will be staged in July/August 2021 by 2 performers and directed by Peter Hussey, Artistic Director of Crooked House

4. The deadline to submit an application is 19th March 2021 at 5.00pm (Irish time).

5. It should mostly be in English or Irish or both

6. Your application should consist of:

- A detailed outline of the overall idea, theme(s), structure or plot (150 words max)

- 5 pages of draft dialogue/script from this proposed play

7. Email all entries to info[at]crookedhouse[dot]ie

8. Up to 4 proposals will be selected. (However, Crooked House reserves the right to select none).

9. Each proposal selected will receive €500.

10. Payment will be in euro by electronic credit transfer to the applicant’s bank account. €250 will be paid upon selection in March. €250 will be paid when the final draft is received in May.

11. Applicants may submit more than one proposal and no more than four.

12. If selected, applicants will be mentored by Peter Hussey to complete their play before 31st May 2021.

13. Casting will be from Kildare Youth Theatre. Rehearsals will be in June and July. The performances will be live-streamed and – where possible – staged for a live audience in Newbridge, County Kildare. They may be outdoors; in a site-specific indoor setting; or in a theatre.


Remember: All proposals are to be sent before 5:00PM on March 19th 2021, and are to be emailed to info[at]crookedhouse[dot]ie



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