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Charlie Hughes

Call For Participants for 'Nasc' Project

NASC is a new devised project by our parent organisation Crooked House, looking at creating a piece revolving around the ideas of land ownership and the environment. Using the Irish language, English, and other languages of our members, the project invoLvles meeting once a week to create a piece illustrating how young people feel about the current state of living in Ireland and the environment, as both deteriorate in their own ways. The project will culminate with a performance of the work for a select audience, in a site-specific location, due to the themes of the work.

Our starting point begins with the title of the piece Nasc which comes from the Irish language and means ‘link’ or ‘bond’. It is this link or bond that we all share with the land and the environment that we wish to explore in this piece. Inspired by the writing of Manchán Magan, and his book ‘Thirty-two Words for Field’, Nasc wants to explore the link that young people have with the natural world around them, and how that link is steadily being corrupted and lost through a culmination of factors.

Young people in this day and age find the land around them becoming hostile and unwelcoming; the effects of climate change are drastically affecting the natural world around them, war and political strife is forcing them to flee their native lands, and the lack of government action has left young people facing spiralling rent prices and the fact that why may never even own homes.

Nasc will be directed and facilitated by young theatre-maker by Cian Ó Náraigh. It is open to any young people living in Kildare.

Apply to be involved in this project by sending an email to

Poster by Shams Asgarzade



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