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Charlie Hughes

'Count On Me' Video Released

Featuring participants from Kildare Youth Theatre, Count on Me is a project supported by the Communities Integration Fund of the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth. In the project, young people worked with international artists (Ola Al Mamlouk, Carmen Ortiz Vittorino, Esperanza Berrocal Welsh and Mirna Alhelo) living in Ireland to explore the topic of belonging to one’s community. The participants worked on movement sequences and text elaboration to explore the different emotions, situations and ways of belonging in our community. Through this work, wthe project culminated in a short film in which each participant shared their point of view on this topic.

The participants have engaged really well with the whole process and they are also very excited about seeing the final result. Some of them knew each other from before, but others became closer as a result of this shared project. The feeling of belonging really brought the participants closer together and they have succeeded in creating some wonderful movement sequences.

You can watch the film above or on our YouTube page.

We would like to thank the Department and all those involved in creating this important work.


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