Kildare Youth Theatre in Belfast for 2022 Connections Festival

Recently, Kildare Youth Theatre hosted and took part in the 2022 Connections Kildare Regional Festival where they performed their production of Like There Is No Tomorrow.
This was a part of the wider National Theatre (UK) Connections Festival, a yearly festival in which 10 playwrights are commissioned to each create a new play for young actors. Theatre companies across the UK & Ireland then choose their favourite and perform them on both a local and regional scale.
As part of this, a festival for all Irish productions takes place every April in Belfast's Lyric Theatre. Here each production is judged by a special representative sent by the National Theatre. The best production of each of the 10 Connections plays are chosen to be performed in the National Theatre, London. This last happened with our 2019 production, The Small Hours.
Our production of Like There is No Tomorrow, which features members of our Touchstone and Caliban workshop, is currently in Belfast as part of the festival. Over four days the cast and team will get to rehearse and perform their production in Belfast, as well as take part in workshops with other Irish and Northern Irish companies taking part in the Connections Festival.
