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My first month as a volunteer

Hi everyone, I'm Anna (23 years old from Denmark) and I will be volunteering at Crooked House Theatre over the next six months. In Denmark I've been involved with theatre productions since early childhood, and have worked backstage professionally during the last 6 years. As such, my main experience in the world of theatre has been practical, and I cannot wait to get a lot more creative while discovering life in Ireland.

I arrived in Newbridge a month ago today; got picked up in the airport by the brilliant Peter Hussey, - very excited about my new life here! Over the last year I've been working hard to make this adventure happen, so I was truly grateful that everything panned out, and to have finally arrived!

The first week went by quickly, settling in and finding my way around town. Peter has arranged a really good living situation for me, right in the town center close to everything and with the nicest landlady! My roommate is the other new EVS volunteer at Crooked House Theatre: Felix from France who is going to stay in Newbridge and be a volunteer for the next year. Felix is going to be in the Macbeth production playing King Duncan, so you his loyal subjects should probably bow for him the first time you meet him. Just so he can get into character.

On one of my first days in Newbridge Veronica (our contact person) took Felix and I to Lullymore Park, to see a bit of nature and learn about Irish history. It was a really cool day! They have managed to combine a variety of activities, creating a unique experience. For example, they have an Irish history exhibition, a pet farm, some wonderful gardens and much more. As part of this history exhibition they had short videos of actors portraying various characters from Irish history, telling us how life was "when they were alive". It was done really well, and it was a good way to get caught up on what's been happening 'round here. During the day we also saw beautiful scenery, - I really do love Irish nature!

During my second week here, Peter arranged for Felix and I to be volunteers in the Dublin Fringe Festival. The idea was that we could get a better understanding of Irish theater, and to make connections before starting our work at Crooked House Theatre. It was a truly great experience to meet so many people, who are just as obsessed about theatre as myself! We got to help out with a lot of shows, and saw many different kinds of theatre/ modern dance/ opera/ comedy productions.

I really recommend - if you have the time - to volunteer yourself for next year's Dublin Fringe, it has given me so much joy!

Crooked House Theatre is returning to 1 Main Street above the pub, so last week Felix and I have been painting the space to make it new, fresh and colourful. We are working hard, and can't wait to have it all done and ready so we can begin (and you can continue) making great theatre, whilst being creative and having fun!


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