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Charlie Hughes

New Physical Theatre and Dance Workshop

As we await for the arrival of our European Solidarity Corps volunteers, we are excited to announce a new and upcoming workshop programme.

Russian choreographer called Nikita Belykh (written as Никита Белых in Russian), is one of these volunteers. He will start a Dance and Physical Theatre workshop for two age groups as soon as we have 6 people signed up for each.

Because Nikita is still in Moscow the first workshops will be online, using Zoom. We will make the studio space free and participants can turn up there, where we will have a laptop set up where Nikita can facilitate you and see you all. When his visa is approved, and he then comes to Ireland, he will continue the workshops in person.

The possible times for the workshops are the following (and you only sign up for one):

Tuesday evenings from 5.30pm to 7.00pm for ages 14 to 17 (although 17 year olds can also join the Saturday class)


Saturday afternoons from 2pm to 3.30pm for 17 to 22 year olds (to suit anyone in college/university who might be home at week-ends)

The dates of the first workshop are not known yet but we will begin them as soon as we have 6 people signed up for each one - when we know the dates they will be shared here and on social media, so be sure to follow us!

It is probably best to have no more than 8 participants in each workshop because of the need for movement space, and to protect against COVID. Bear in mind the usual restrictions apply (you must have a vaccination certificate or immunity, and wear a mask). If there are more than 8 people interested in any workshop we will make a new group and have a second workshop for that group.

Nikita will explore your movement potential in the workshops. He will show you some routines, and also do some flexibility exercises. Eventually, and with your agreement, the workshops could result in a showcase - perhaps even in an outdoor space - for friends and family to watch.

Have a friend who might be interested but isn't already a member? No problem, they can join this workshop so long as they fill a Membership Form.

To keep in touch with updates regarding this workshop check out our Instagram page, as well as this blog.


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