UPCOMING SHOW: Find A Partner!, Friday May 28th

Each year, Kildare Youth Theatre participates in the National Theatre Connections Festival, which brings together youth theatres across the UK and Ireland to perform any one of ten brand new, specially commissioned plays, from some of the freshest upcoming playwrights.
This year, Kildare Youth Theatre chose Miriam Battye's Find A Partner!, a play set in a dystopian gameshow where if participants don't match up and find love, they'll meet a grizzly demise. A commentary on modern society's obsession with gameshows, Find A Partner! holds a mirror up to our society and makes us question our priorities: a tragi-comedy for our times.
Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the play will be streamed online via the Riverbank website.
Find A Partner! was directed by Shane Hickey O'Mara. Assistant Director and Graphic and Sound Engineer was Sinéad Mooney. Our European Solidarity Corps volunteer Athina Fragkou was the Stage Manager and Props Designer.
The Find A Partner! screening will take place over a Connections Weekend, featuring other Connections plays by local youth theatres Ardclough and Dramahouse.
Find A Partner! launches on the Riverbank website at 6pm and can be viewed for 24 hours. Tickets are free and can be purchased here.
Director Shane Hickey-O'Mara wrote a reflection on directing the play. It can be read on our Reading Room Blog.